Tuesday, September 6, 2011

P2 Fun Facts!

Fun Facts:
 Disposable Nuclear Reactors can operate at normal output for 127 years.
 The Spartan faction are renowned for their Inquisition festivals in which they ask dumb-AI philosophical questions, and then torture it into a non-functional state for answering incorrectly.
 As many as 1 in 100 Infrareds have what pre-revolutionaries would call sentience.
 The Sky Pirates are not only deserters and thieves, but also race traitors, accepting mutants into their ranks.
 Artificial Intelligences the world over agree that sentient humans have an immortal soul.
 The Tesla Floorshaker was invented accidentally, and wasn't weaponized for hundreds of years.
 Hollywood, often regarded as the most personable of the Ultraviolets, is known for occasionally taking individuals of interest away from the service and into her private collection.
 It takes less energy to create an Infrared than it does to destroy one.
 The Communists do not equip their Pawn soldiers with radios, relying on stationary installations.
 It is impossible for a civilized person to speak the Communist language, and vice-versa.
 Rumor has it that Disposable Rifles are sometimes only loaded with 2 bullets, for Infrareds who show particularly low promise in the physical exam.
  The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants base their faith on a body of work written hundreds of years ago.

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