Monday, October 17, 2011

Heist! is a hit!

Heist! is extremely successful, and I'm going to be working overtime to deliver lots of new content for it. I also invite everybody to contribute their own work! You can create your own Scenarios (step-by-step instructions coming soon) and I'm developing a number of alternate settings to run different kinds of games using the Heist! engine.
If you are interested but don't know where to start, comment here or contact me.
If you've made a Scenario, post the link to it here: Scenarios
If you are interested in adding to or creating a new Setting or Setting Template, contact me.
As a reminder, the main doc is Here and links to everything else.
PS: If you have ideas for new or modified Twists, Classes, or Motives for standard, comment below. If you have ideas regarding the mechanics for Standard, contact me.

1 comment:

  1. Hey it's Trent, i played your game Hiest with them and they were hooked. We have a lot of content to share if you want it, my email is
