Friday, October 7, 2011


Heist! is going to be a Paranoia-style (competitive/cooperative, hijinks,team roles, low cost of death) game set in the genre of Reservoir Dogs (and Tarantino movies in general.) It'll be a lite-RPG format, with the goal being that creating a new character at max level takes no more than five minutes. The key mechanics are going to be:
Score: You have a score tally that carries over from character to character, and it can be improved by fulfilling various secret and non-secret objectives. (not sure yet, can be spent for cool toys on new characters?)
Problem Solving: If you die, you're out until the team calls an Expert. If you run into a situation where you need an Expert, and no one is dead... problem solving :-D
Universal System: Ideally, these rules will be general enough to run in non-heist, though equally silly, settings, such as a wacky zombie apocalypse, or even a dystopian future (eg Paranoia)

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