Thursday, October 6, 2011

New Mechanic in progress for URPG 3e

Styles are a brand new mechanic for 3e, and add a whole new layer of customization, you get one per point in Aptitude you have, and I'm thinking you can improve one (all of them?) each time you level up.
Basically, these are your 'specialties' while classes define your broad capabilities, these will give you new ways to use your equipment, Spirit, and any spare Perks and Skills you can buy (especially useful if you're putting your levels into Histories.)
For the average player, this mostly means new cool tricks to do with their weapons, but for a player with high Adaptability, this'll give them a ton of options that they should be able to use in any situation. It'll also give classes that normally don't have many combat options (Inventor, Strategist) some new options for participating in combat.
I'm also toying with the idea that Styles can be improved/acquired by 'Training' a new mechanic that I'm considering adding to long-form plots, where the story is essentially a 'race' to beat the bad guys before they complete their plan. Training would be a way to turn a 'lead' into enough power to win more challenging battles.
Questions and comments always welcome.

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