Saturday, October 1, 2011

Huge Change for URPG 3e

I'm changing Allies to Adaptability. And now the hybrid 'Life' stat that used to measure Resources+Allies is the 'Cunning' stat, which covers Resourcefulness+Adaptability. I'm planning to drop most of the concepts associated with Allies (such as Ally slots, and calling in Allies) entirely, or at least largely detach them from the stat. This also means I'll likely be rewriting several classes, most importantly Tactician and Strategist (since they're already complete) but also Wizard(not too much) Hero(may require a total change) Diplomat (probably a total change) and Captain (Probably to something more similar to Scoundrel, speaking of which, Scoundrel will probably also be changing, now that Genius =/= Adapting)
If you have any questions/comments/suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them, since this is going to be a big change to one of the core mechanics, making even more of a difference than Spirit or Coda.
Also, if you want to see the work in progress, here is 3e character list. The characters who's names start with "3e" are the ones I've finished updating. Please ask about anything you don't understand, as that'll give me a good idea of what to put in the updated rulebook.
P.S. I forgot to mention what Adaptability is good for! It'll mostly be about finding opportunities. So sort of a combination of luck, observation, and charisma. You will still get allies(in a sense) because when you enter a situation, Adaptability is gonna let you run into more helpful people, etc. I haven't worked it out mechanically, since I'm still brainstorming, but I figure it'll probably be something like letting the party sum their Adaptability points, and use them to pick what sort of advantages they want. idk, it's still very rough.

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